Check Release Procedures

General Procedures

Payments to Vendors: Checks payable to vendors will be mailed or sent via messenger/courier service to their established “Remit-to” business address. Vendor checks cannot be held for pickup by the vendor. Departments requiring a letter or attachments included with the payment should send the enclosure documentation to Accounts Payable, Box 980616 , notifying them of the inserts to be included with the check.

Payments to Individuals: Checks payable to individuals will be mailed to the address specified as the “remit to” address, which is generally the individual's home address. An exception is made for petty cash replenishment payments, which should be mailed to the campus address.

Payments Held for Pickup: The following types of payments can be held for pickup at the Disbursement Operations Office (1st Floor, 924 W. Franklin St.). Pickup instructions must be provided to Accounts Payable.

U.S. Immigration checks.

Honorariums, musicians or similar payments which must be personally presented immediately upon completion of services.

Payments which require additional documentation before a check can be released (e.g. payments to Non-Resident Aliens, Foreign Visitor Loans).

Check Pickup Procedures

For payments to be authorized for pickup, please contact Tanya Smith at 8-3377 or Valerie Washington at 8-1060 in Accounts Payable.

Check pickup hours at the Disbursement Operations Office (1st Floor, 924 W. Franklin St.) are available by appointment from Monday to Friday.  Please contact to schedule an appointment.

The requisition initiator will not be allowed to pickup the check.

Checks will not be released without an authorized signature. Individual payees who are students, staff or faculty and departmental representatives will be required to present a current VCU identification card. Checks not picked up within 2 business days will be mailed.


Any item for pickup other than those listed above requires the approval of the appropriate Vice President.